E3 2014 is almost here! Are you prepared?


Arguably the biggest North American conference in the gaming industry is going down this week. That’s right, E3 is upon us once again. Now, over the years my expectations have lessened as I’ve felt the raw disappointment of games caused by overhype and delayed release dates. I’ve learned not to expect too much, but I still get excited for what could be coming soon™.

So, I’ve put together a small list of things I’m looking forward to and other things I’m lukewarm about…

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E3 Impressions – Last of Us, Watch Dogs and RE6 are on my wishlist

So, I caught up on all the major E3 conferences yesterday (minus the 3DS because I really don’t care about it all that much…) and although I wouldn’t say it amazed me like past E3s, but there were a few pleasant surprises on my end.

In terms of “who won E3?” I’d say Ubisoft just inched Sony out by thismuch. I was tempted to take points away for the awfully corny host scripts, but then Joe Miller came out… so… 😛 Microsoft had to be the worst by far. They barely talked about any games and it was all about how they’re basically transforming the 360 into a crappy HTPC. EA was just BO-RING, but then again I am not a fan of EA Sports games and that was like half of their presentation. Nintendo was just middle of the road. I love Mario (who doesn’t?) and really it was just a lot of the same old stuff. But they all had something in it for me, so I can’t say they were terrible.

There were a few highlights for me. As in, “OMG I NEED THAT GAME NOOOOOW!” XD

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